My US patent #10,995,522 or Padlock-Security issue date May 4, 2021 will hopefully prevent lockpickinglawyer on and lots of other lock pickers on their sites showing how easily it is to pick open a keyed padlock without your key.  Search for your padlock brand name on lock picking sites and watch how easily your keyed padlock is picked open.  Any keyed padlock you purchased on line from Amazon or locally from Lowe's, Home Depot, Target or Walmart thinking a keyed padlock is going to secure your belongings is a big mistake.  All your belongings could be gone or looked through without you even knowing and yes, without your key! 

07/14/2021 Tedium article written by Ernie Smith explains true meaning of what it means to have lock security.

A padlock and its shackle go back many years and no thought by current padlock manufacturers for a 21st century other new use application for a padlock's shackle. 

05/21/2021 - An iOS or Windows laptop lock having a skinny security cable, epoxy glued on lock base or a security slot are very easy to pick open.  There is a 2021 easier and more improved method to quickly lock an open laptop or lift a closed screen laptop lid using Laptop-Security and it is pick proof.  
If current laptop locks are so secure how come they are not used with a shackle to make keyed padlocks?

My patented Security Anchor for a desktop grommet opening uses a padlock shackle to secure anything electronic or not placed on or near a desktop grommet opening like a person thought to be guilty of a crime, a Roman Era sword or a 2021 hand gun. Easily secures using a very heavy steel link chain or thick cable by looping first looping under desk and pulling up through gromment hole opening. 

And If you like simple, US patent #8,646,294 Securement Locking Device for your Apple MacBook Pro, Microsoft Surface Laptop or like.  View @ YouTube.  IP rights available. Twitter @securityanchor 

I should have used an Abloy, Abus or like padlock for each photo on this page in place of worthless easily picked keyed or combination padlocks.  

To my many followers in Baidu, Beijing, Fujian, Foshan, Fuzhou, Hongkou, Korea, Putian, Tel Aviv, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shijiazhuang, Surabaye, Xinzhou and Zhejiang - Do not miss out owning exclusive US rights and sharing some world rights with me to my soon to issue United States patent Padlock Security to easily block/stop lock picking by lockpickinglawyer, Bosnian Bill or their followers from picking open your padlocks without a key.

Email me as did now four(4) different lock companies interested to be on a list to see Padlock Security first at same time and date as others on list prior to patent issue date. 


IP rights are available for sale, license or to a patent assertion entity.  

1 - Clicksafe secured to US patent 9,603,446 
		Security Anchor, my US patent 8,646,294 Securement locking device and 
		other cable locks
1 - Clicksafe secured to US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor, my US patent #8,646,294 Securement locking device and other cable locks.

2 - Clicksafe secured to US patent 9,603,446 
Security Anchor, my US patent 8,646,294 Securement locking device using folding handcuffs
2 - Clicksafe secured to US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor, my US patent #8,646,294 Securement locking device with folding handcuffs.

3 - Clicksafe secured to US patent 9,603,446 
		Security Anchor, my US patent 8,646,294 Securement locking device using handcuff cable tie.
3 - Clicksafe secured to US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor, my US patent #8,646,294 Securement locking device using handcuff cable tie.

4 - Clicksafe secured to US patent 9,603,446 
		Security Anchor cable, my <br>
		US patent 8,646,294 Securement locking device and more cable locks.
4 - Clicksafe secured to US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor cable, my US patent #8,646,294 Securement locking device and more cable locks.

5 - Clicksafe secured to US patent 9,603,446 
		Security Anchor cable, my US patent 8,646,294 Securement locking 
		device using heavier cable.
5 - Clicksafe secured to US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor cable, my US patent #8,646,294 Securement locking device using heavier cable.

6 - Clicksafe secured to US patent 9,603,446 
		Security Anchor, my US patent 8,646,294 Securement locking device using 
		heavier shackle.
6 - Clicksafe secured to US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor, my US patent #8,646,294 Securement locking device using heavier shackle.

7 - Clicksafe secured to US patent 9,603,446 
		Security Anchor, my US patent 8,646,294 Securement locking device and 
		shackle support member.
7 - Clicksafe secured to US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor, my US patent #8,646,294 Securement locking device and shackle support member.
8 - US patent 9,603,446 Security Anchor showing height of  
		shackle, support member and Security Anchor slots.
8 - US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor showing extended height of Security Anchor, support member and provided security slot for a security nub.
9 - US patent 9,603,446 Security Anchor showing height of  
		shackle, support member and Security Anchor slots.
9 - US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor showing minimized height of Security Anchor, support member and provided security slot for a security nub.

10 - US patent 9,603,446 Security Anchor locking to US patent 8,783,073 Apparatus for securing a Portable Electronic device 
		with a cable lock.
10 - US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor secured to US patent #8,783,073 Apparatus For Securing a Portable Electronic Device or US patent #8,935,943 Apparatus For Securing A Portable Electronic Drive and my Moto e smart phone or perhaps one day I can afford an iPhone X using a Clicksafe, Nanosaver, Microsaver or a padlock.
11 - US patent 9,603,446 Security Anchor locking to an 
		Apple iPad or like covered with a sheet of 8.5" x 11" copy 
		paper to protect IP rights to patentability using
		a Clicksafe or like though could be a Microsaver, Nanosaver or a padlock. 
11 - US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor locking to an Apple iPad or like covered with a sheet of 8.5" x 11" copy paper to protect IP rights to patentability using a Clicksafe or like though could be a Microsaver, Nanosaver or a padlock.

12 - US patent 9,603,446 
		Security Anchor locking to my US patent 8,640,510 Interface Member For 
		Lock System using a Mason jar which could contain cookies, chocolates, hard candy's, 
		tokens, coins, peanuts, pills, pot or as shown Basil using a Clicksafe or like though could be a Microsaver, Nanosaver or a padlock.
12 - US patent#9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor locking to my US patent #8,640,510 Interface Member For Lock System using a Mason jar which could contain cookies, chocolates, hard candy's, tokens, coins, peanuts, pills, pot or as shown Basil using a Clicksafe or like though could be a Microsaver, Nanosaver or a padlock.
17 - US patent 9,603,446 Security Anchor secured to a locked Security Chamber 
		hidden from view to protect possible IP <br>
		rights to patentability, 
		contains 73.870 ounces of Yukon mined gold, an automobile key fob, cell 
		phone, $700.00 dollars in small bills and a small bag of cocoa nibs using a 
		older keyed Microsaver or Clicksafe like or could be a padlock with cable/chain.
13 - US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor secured to a locked Security Chamber hidden from view to protect possible IP rights to patentability, contains 73.870 ounces of Yukon mined gold, an automobile key fob, cell phone, $700.00 dollars in small bills and a small bag of cocoa nibs using an older keyed  Microsaver or Clicksafe like or could be a padlock with cable/chain.
18 - using my horizontal padlock.
14 - Using my US patent #8,640,507 Horizontal Padlock using my US patent #8,899,080 Cinch Lock Apparatus and Method.

Next few pictures show my US Patent#8,720,097 Trigger Lock and it is not like those sold in market stores or given away free to fit any Trigger Guard.  Trigger Guards are not all built alike.  Inexpensive Trigger Locks can be easily hacked, picked or removed using a modifiied screw driver. Trigger Locks are used to save a life or required by law.  A small additional cost for a custom made Trigger Lock makes more sense than paying for a cheaply constructed and not designed to fit your particular Trigger Guard.  A padlock that is easily removed without a key or a combination number is not good for you or yours. 

Do a Google search for how to hack or pick a Trigger Lock or youtube LockPickingLawyer or Bosnian Bill.  My Trigger Lock easily locks using an ABLOY 362, ABUS 37RK80 or ABUS Brass 88 padlock.

See my US Patent#8,640,507

13 - US patent 9,603,446 Security Anchor locking to firearm cover with a sheet of copy paper using my US patent 8,640,507 Horizontal 
		Shackle For Lock System and Method using a chain
15 - US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor locking to Colt 45 using my US Patent #8,720,097 Trigger lock and my US patent #8,640,507 Horizontal Shackle For Lock System and Method using a chain. See on Youtube

14 - US patent 9,603,446 
		Security Anchor locking to Colt .45 using my US patent 8,640,507 Horizontal Shackle For Lock System and Method and my US Patent 8,640,511 Low Profile Lock Interface System and Method
		and a Clicksafe though could be a Microsaver, Nanosaver or a padlock. 16 - US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor secured to a Colt 45 using my US Patent #8,720,097 and my US patent #8,640,507 Horizontal Shackle For Lock System and Method with my US Patent #8,640,511 Low Profile Lock Interface System and Method and a Clicksafe though could be a Microsaver, Nanosaver or a padlock.
15 - US patent 9,603,446 Security Anchor locking to a firearm using my US patent 8,640,507 Horizontal 
		Shackle For Lock System and Method using my US patent 8,640,510 Interface Member For 
		Lock System and Method and a Clicksafe or like.
17 - US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor locking to a Colt 45 using my US patent #8,726,703 Low Profile Lock Interface System and Method with US Patent #8,720,097 Trigger lock using a cable locking device or like.

16 - US patent 9,603,446 Security Anchor 
		secured to my US patent 8,646,294 Securement Locking Device secured to 
		my laptop using my US patent 8,640,510 Interface Member For 
		Lock System and Method and a Clicksafe or like
18 - US patent #9,603,446 & #9,816,296 Security Anchor secured to my US patent #8,646,294 Securement Locking Device secured to my laptop using my US patent #8,726,703 Low Profile Lock Interface System and Method and a Clicksafe or like.

19 -
19 - Easily secure Ruger .357 Magnum using laptop computer lock using US patent#8,720,097 Trigger Lock.
20 -
20 - Easily secure Ruger .357 Magnum using keyed padlock, cable or chain using US patent#8,720,097 Trigger Lock
21 -
21 - Easily secure Colt 45 using combination padlock with  cable or chain using US patent#8,720,097 Trigger Lock

źDisclaimer:  Product names, logos, brands, and other registered trademarks featured or referred to within this website are the property of their respective trademark holders.  Trademark holders are not affiliated with Security Anchor, my products, this website and they do not sponsor or endorse Security Anchor or any of my patent pending or soon to be patent pending prototype concepts.

Warning:  Any warranty expressed or implied is limited to purchase price of this product.   Manufacturer and/or seller shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential, arising out of sale, use or misuse, or user's inability to use this product and is strictly limited to either replacement or refund of purchase price of this product.

US patent IP rights also available on below nine.

US patent # 8,640,507 issued 02-02-2014 - Horizontal Shackle For Lock System And Method.  

US patent # 8,640,510 issued 02-04-2014 - Interface Member For Lock System and Method.  Use application for a Kensington Clicksafe or like locks into an opening other than a rectangular security anchor slot!   No "T" shaped end, no threading, no installation tool and it does not stick out. See on youtube

US patent # 8,640,511 issued 02-04-2014 - Low Profile Lock Interface System And Method.  Use application for a Kensington Clicksafe or like to lock sideways to security anchor nub so as not to be sticking straight out from nub.  Can also be used with Trigger Lock.

US patent # 8,646,294 issued 02-11-2014 - Securement Locking Device.  Use application for a Kensington Clicksafe Master Coded Combination lock or not Apple Macbook or like laptop computers in open screen position.

US patent # 8,720,097 issued 05-13-2014 - Trigger Lock.  Use application for a keyed or combination padlock or a Kensington Clicksafe or like lock/secure a gun or rifle trigger. .

US patent # 8,726,703 issued 05-20-2014 - Low Profile Lock Interface System and Method.  Use application for a Kensington Clicksafe or like to lock/secure to a round shaft or rod. See on youtube

US patent # 8,783,073 issued 07-22-2014 - Apparatus For Securing A Portable Electronic Device.  Use application for a Kensington Clicksafe/Microsaver or like to lock/secure an iPad/tablet like electronic device, Apple MacBook Pro or like closed(screen down) or smart phone or like. see on youtube

US patent # 8,899,080 issued 12-02-2014 - Cinch Lock Apparatus and Method.  Use application for a Kensington Clicksafe/Microsaver T-Bar lock or a padlock. See on youtube

US patent # 8,935,943 issued 01-20-2015 - Portable Electronic Securing and Locking Device.  Use application for a Kensington Clicksafe/Microsaver or like to lock/secure an iPad/tablet/smartphone or like electronic device including Apple MacBook Pro or like closed. See on youtube

Left click Security Anchor One click to send an email to send me an email.
View my other web sites

View more Security Anchor videos at youtube
Moto E Moto G or any smartphone secured using a laptop cable lock
Motorola Moto G all Gen's smartphone secured using a Clicksafe
Cinch Lock cable secures using your Clicksafe, Microsaver or Master, Yale or Brinks padlock
Security container Mason Jar for iPhone or candy using your Microsaver Laptop Computer cable lock
Pop Phone retro handset rewire and modified Eveready flashlight
AT&T Trimline 210 handset rewire and modified Eveready flashlight
AT&T 900 or Avaya Euro modification to help avoid cell phone RF waves
Cologne, essential oil, perfume bottle sprayer

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